Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Let Peace Embrace You

It is one good thing to embrace Peace.
But will you allow it to embrace you?

Will you walk gracefully holding it's arm?
Will you let it cover you with silence?
Will you dance slowly with it?
Will you sing its song?

How would that be?
To be held and loved so completely by Peace.
Could you return the love?

Imagine this today, all day. Please.



Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Peace Steps

Hindus say "there are many paths to Nirvana". For Gandhi, a Hindu and the master of Peaceful revolution (he got the British to leave India by loving them), each step along the path was as important as the destination; the process as important as the result.

So, too there are many paths to Peace.

What does your Peace process look like? Are you focusing on this step, trusting that each step moves you in the right direction? How could your steps be a dance?

Step, shuffle, step. Step, hop, step!



Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Peace: poetry and music!

Hello all you poets out there. I'm challenging you to write a Peace poem to share with the blogosphere. Imagine putting your poem to music like Adam Wegener did with his song titled Peace!

Peace by Adam Wegener

I find peace in the noises I'm not hearing.
I find comfort in the buildings I don't see.
I'm at home with all the lights that aren't shining tonight.
It's just the moon, the stars and me.

I find peace in the cars that aren't driving.
I sit back and watch the planes not flying high.
I find home in these four walls that don't surround me.
Know you're there when I look to the sky.

I find silence in the phone that isn't ringing.
I find company though apart from all the rest.
I find quiet when the sirens aren't singing.
Out here it's plain to see that we've been blessed.

You can hear Adam sing his poem by going to www.adamwegener.com

Poetry and music create Peace. Thanks Adam for creating some for us.



Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Peace is Attractive

Have you ever noticed that when you show up as Peace, others do too? I think it's because Peace is one of those timeless ways of being which, when you embody it, works like the best cosmetic never invented. You radiate love, gratitude and trust.....from the inside out. As Peace you invite others to show up the same way. Eat your heart out Revlon!

So, today on Peace Tuesday show off your Peace glow and see what you attract!



Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Peaceful Differences

How can the current health care debate in this country be Peaceful? Big changes like the ones proposed scare people. Scared people scare others by doing and saying scary things, forgetting that human beings are on both sides of the debate. Pretty soon everyone is scared and a conversation about what's real or fact is impossible.

The path to Peace during change is to allow and acknowledge the humanity of those who don't agree with you; we can differ, but I can refuse to see you as different! I think this falls under the heading of "love one another"!

