Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Be the Beloved for Peace

Henri Nouwen invites us to "honor the deepest current in our lives, the deepest truth" which is THAT YOU ARE THE BELOVED! I put this in bold so you can really, really hear it. The greatest joy and PEACE comes from fully claiming that truth and resisting it is a source of great suffering.

Your Peace practice today is to be the Beloved in the concreteness of your daily life. And if you have difficulty with this PRETEND you are a 3 year old. Why? Have you noticed that young ones haven't yet forgotten that they are the Beloved!

Have fun. Have Peace.



Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A U.S. Department of Peace?

What do you think would happen if our government had a Peace Department? I suspect having a federal focus for Peace might expand our awareness of the real price we pay when Peace is abandoned. It could counterbalance our tendency to see force as an effective solution. This falls under the heading of "if you build it they will come" or "what you focus on expands". A Peace Department could make both the moral and economic case for Peace at the highest level of government. Justice, commerce, education, health and war all have federal emphasis. It's about time Peace had the same.

This Saturday 11/21 at the Corte Madera, CA Town Center Lorrie Norby will talk about her intention to create a U.S. Department of Peace! If you would like to lend support or attend the meeting contact Lorrie at 415 381-2157 or lnorby@post.harvard.edu.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Our hearts speak in the silence!

I just saw The Chosen, a play about faith and spirit, in which a young rabbinical student confesses that his father's seeming cruel silent treatment has been a blessing; that he learned with time to "hear the silence".....that it is wonderful and the only place he can truly hear his heart speak!

Most of our days we are immersed in noise, the external busyness of the world or the more intrusive cacophony of our streaming judgments. It is challenging to hear our wisdom in the din.

This Peace Tuesday practice being silent and thoughtless so you may hear the soft voice of your wise heart in the stillness inviting you to Peace.



Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Peace....... from Rainer Maria Rilke

"Be ahead of all parting, as if it had already happened........
Be. And know as well the need to not be.
Let that endless ground of all that changes
bring you to completion now.

To all that has run it's course, and to the vast unsayable
numbers of beings abounding in Nature,
add yourself gladly, and cancel the cost."

Be in awe. Be grateful. Be complete. Simply be. For Peace.

