Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A "to be" List!

Do you have a "to do" list? A long one?

How about a "to be" list? This would be a list of all the ways you are committed to being this day, this week, this year, this lifetime and could include...... joyous, focused, intentional, responsible, gracious, generous, appreciative, excited, curious, outrageous, supportive, sourcing, at cause, caring, energized, promising, empowered, empowering, in the moment, present, awake, aware, inspired, on fire, courageous, inviting, grounded, effortless, reinventing, straight, without limits, discovering, authentic, brilliant, connected, risking, accepting, in integrity, connected, playful, wise, accepting, allowing, satisfied, loving, peaceful, trusting, vulnerable, complete, unattached, extraordinary, expectant, fun, leader, spirit, listening, playful, bodacious, rock and roll, celebrating, beauty, committed, inspired, ready, open, of service and on and on.

I wonder which list is more useful? Fun? Inviting? Hmmmmmmm? I wonder which one might lead you to Peace? Hmmmmmm? I wonder?


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Nothing is lost

Energy is never lost; merely transformed. The energy of Newton's falling apple is transformed into kinetic energy shifting its molecules at impact, continuing to shift them long after.

So too with Peace! Peace is merely another form of energy. When you rest in this energy it transforms you, now and long after. When you bring Peace energy to others it can transform them, now and long after.

So use it! You can't lose it!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

To Serve Peace........................

When your own tummy rumbles for Peace, consider that it is a meal you need to serve another. Peace is a dish best served by service.

Be sure to add a dollop of love; tastes like butter, without the calories. Peace simply adores that. Yummmmmm!


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Incredible Lightness of.........

What do light, love, amazement, joy, inspiration, possibility, curiosity, playfulness, spirit, laughter, trust, wisdom and miracles have in common?

No mass! Yet, life without them is heavy! Go figure.

Guess what else has no mass YET comes directly from these lighter than anything qualities of being?


And who says something from nothing is nothing?
