Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Peace happens when....

......we are "wise enough to see the miraculous in the common" (thanks Thoreau).

Kinda like folks do when they kiss the dirt after surviving a plane crash. 'Cept you don't need to crash to do it!

Peace Practice: Metaphorically kiss the ground today. Several times!


Peaced Birthdays!

A woman took the opportunity on her 30th birthday to perform random acts of kindness - thirty of 'em! She gave gifts that she could afford or performed small services for 30 people SHE DID NOT KNOW.

Here's my birthday challenge! On your birthday perform random acts of kindness. Friends could help and perform them for you, in your name!

Imagine a world where we all perform random acts of kindness on our natal day....in gratitude for our lives.

Tee Hee! Positively revolutionary AND counter cultural!

Let's start a movement.


Tending Peace

Is it a sacrifice to tend a loved one to heal? When you are saving a life or bringing comfort does it feel like a chore? Or does it feel like a privilege and a gift?

Yet the cultural conversation is that we need to sacrifice to heal and create Peace.

What if it simply took loving attention and commitment...... and resulted in joy? Sacrifice? I think not.

Tend Peace....yours and ours!


Peace is not about getting what you want.....

................because so often what we want is not what we truly need, not what is truly best for us! So, ask, pray, intend, and work for what you need. Keep in mind that what we really truly need is often only revealed when we look back!

Life's tricky that way.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sated for Peace

You can simply declare you are satisfied; you are and have enough! This is a courageous and counter cultural act, where you give more credence to your inner guru than you do to the cultural chatter that says you need more and better.

Not only do you breathe a sigh of relief, Peace shows up!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Holding Peace!

We all hold onto things; thoughts, relationships, positions, stuff. AND WHAT WE HOLD ONTO TAKES HOLD OF US!

So, if you want Peace to take hold of you, consider holding Peace as a practice. Find a small object that represents Peace for you (in your life or in the world) and carry it throughout the day. It might be a shell, a charm or a note with PEACE written on it. Set it down to pick up another object. Pick it up again when your hand is free.

Hold Peace and it will hold you!


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Miracle for Peace

Does Peace take a miracle?

Did you know that the neurons in your brain formed at the rate of 150 PER SECOND.... WHILE YOU WERE IN THE WOMB? There you were not thinking or acting or anything and your FIVE HUNDRED TRILLION synapses were quietly being created. Imagine what is possible when you begin to imagine, envision and act. Anything is possible. ANYTHING! Even Peace.

If Peace takes a miracle, consider that you are it!
