Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"When it is dark enough, you can see the stars." This is a Persian proverb that begins the first chapter of the book Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortinson and Oliver Relin, a book about a young mountain climber fulfilling a promise to build a school in rural norther Pakistan, as a way of honoring his sister. I'm reading this book to remind myself that it's possible to be ridiculously committed to a cause and achieve the impossible. I've read several such books and recommend also Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder and Banker to the Poor by Muhammed Younis, about the beginning of micro-finance in Pakistan.

What does doing the impossible have to do with Peace? Well, it strikes me that one source of restlessness and disatisfaction in our culture and in our world is the inability to trust in possibility, to trust that life will be o.k., that we can be satisfied and fulfilled, the inability to trust that Peace is possible. And I see that he world is full of evidence that people can make a difference, can be joyful and satisfied and fulfilled without, dare I say it, all the material trappings that our culture insists are required for the task. So, reading about people like Greg Mortinson, reminds me that anything is possible. It reminds me that Peace is possible. All that is required is our commitment, some action, and our trust that it is possible.

What if personal peace, peaceful relationships and peace among nations were that simple? How might it look? Can you imagine that? So, that's the first invitation I have for you, the first practice for you to take on: to imagine what it would be like if you felt peaceful about your own life, if your relationships were peaceful, and what it would look like for the world to be at peace?
Imagine what would be possible for you and for the planet. How would it be different? What would you be doing differently? How would what you say change? What would you be hearing in your daily life? How might the news be different? Imagine this as vividly as possible and write down what you imagine if you like. Or create a visual that reminds you of what you've imagined! Or find a piece of music that reminds you of what you created.

The next step might be to focus on your vision of Peace (yours, others and the world's) regularly, daily OR ON PEACE TUESDAY if you can. Just for a minute if that's all you can give it, or longer if you can. If you have a meditative, contemplative or prayer practice, your could focus on this vision in your practice.

If that does not appeal to you, consider sending a contribution to the Central Asia Institute at www.ikat.org so Greg Mortinson can continue to transform Pakistan in a peaceful way building schools. If you have children and you'd like to get them involved contact penniesforpeace.org and find out how they can.

Right now it appears quite dark for the cause of Peace on our planet. But looks can be deceptive, right? In coaching we say that "the gold is in the dark", indicating that we must often look in the uncomfortable places in our lives, in our feelings, in our minds, in order to discern our truth. It may also be that the current darkness in the world today is an opportunity for us to notice just how far we've gone astray - astray from our commitment to love and care for ourselves, each other and our home, planet earth. It's an opportunity to turn on the light of Peace. Begin with you/me. Please begin by doing one thing each Tuesday.



P.S. I signed my first posting Lowejo. It's a pseudonym that represents the essence of who I am. I'll explain this to anyone who is interested.


Unknown said...

Wow, what a great idea. If many people could just do it, as you say, for a few minutes on a Tuesday we (as a species) might make some progress toward 'World Peace'.

Thanks Darlene for doing this. I hope it is picked up by other blogs.

ITooAmForPeace said...

Few people are for war yet we find ourselves in wars all over the planet. Could it be as simple as focusing on the positive? Can't hurt to try. I'll take your e-mail reminder and do something for Peace each Tuesday. I'll also forward this blog to others...
