Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Peace Consciousness, Peace Being!

Vaclav Havel, a playwright and dissident who became President of the Czech Republic after the fall of the Soviet Union, said "Consciousness precedes Being.....the salvation of this human world lies nowhere else than in the human heart, in the human power to reflect.....and in human responsibility." He was addressing the need for all of us to become authentic leaders, self reflective, responsible and compassionate in service of Peace, the only thing that will save "this human world".

I would dare to add that Commitment precedes Consciousness; that when we are committed to being awake and aware, to resting in our hearts even when scared, we tend to stay that way! And commitment requires practice, hourly, daily, weekly, forever!

So, Commitment and Practice precede Consciousness. Consciousness precedes Being. Being precedes Peace. Viola! Now you have the recipe. Make something with it please!



1 comment:

B.Ferreal said...

this is one that we could dissect a bit... for can you generate commitment with no awareness of it's purpose? not sure... may be a chicken/egg thing...