Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Peace in the Depths

To steal from Paul Tillich, Peace "is the depth in things"; present when we slow down, stop, rest in the moment, breathe and let go. We need to be willing to steal these moments from our noisy lives in order to find that deepest of places where Peace resides!

Imagine the entire world slowing down, resting, breathing and letting go, then steal a bit of that for yourself today.Be a thief in service of Peace! Paul would love it. So would the world.



Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Peace in the midst of chaos

It may seem challenging to practice Peace when Haiti is falling apart and suffering. It is tempting to worry now.

And you have a choice in the matter! You can choose to be at Peace AND in action doing and giving what you can, trusting it is enough.

If you absolutely, positively must do one more thing, SEND LOVE AND PEACEFUL THOUGHTS to those who need them. That includes you!

