Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Peace like an airplane...............

Why is Peace like an airplane?

Because in order to fly there has to be a weight limit!

So too with Peace, one must let go of burdensome thoughts that keep us from gaining altitude and, oh yeah, a wider perspective.

Put down that heavy thought. Be Peace today!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Food for Peace

Conflict Kitchen in Pittsburgh, Pa. is a restaurant with Peace as it's purpose. They offer food from parts of the world where there is conflict, changing the cuisine regularly, to start conversations about Peace! Check them out at conflictkitchen.com where you can participate in a Skype meal with folks in other countries! Now that's international dining and food for Peace!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Be a Peace Balloon!

Peace is like a balloon. It requires empty inner space to stay afloat.

A Peace practice today: Exhale and empty your internal space of burdensome thought. Allow your internal space to remain empty. Slowly take in a few lighter than air thoughts of possibility.

Exhale burden, pause in Peace, inhale possibility.

Breathe Peace! Easy Peasy!
