Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Nature and Peace

From Louie Schwartzberg, cinematographer, "Beauty and seduction are nature's tools for survival because we protect what we fall in love with; it opens our hearts so we realize we are a part of nature and not separate from it."

Being seduced and awed by beauty, opening our hearts, being connected! Sounds like Peace to me.


Check out Louie's presentation on You Tube.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Peace is a Love Affair

Peace happens when you have a love affair with life...........regardless of circumstance; cold, hot, rich, poor, sick, well. Peace happens when we generate love for whatever is happening.

You can do this. It just take practice, practice, practice!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Stumbling into Peace......

Yesterday I stumbled into a major Peace effort on my way to retrieve something from the local high school! I ran smack dab into a campus media campaign for Invisible Children - raising awareness of the heavy cost to children in the decade long war in Northern Uganda AND raising money to educate those children. There is an amazing video which you can get by going to invisiblechildren.com. And you can encourage your local school to connect to a school in Uganda to support Peace efforts there.

Peace, and the movement toward it, is everywhere!
