Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A "to be" List!

Do you have a "to do" list? A long one?

How about a "to be" list? This would be a list of all the ways you are committed to being this day, this week, this year, this lifetime and could include...... joyous, focused, intentional, responsible, gracious, generous, appreciative, excited, curious, outrageous, supportive, sourcing, at cause, caring, energized, promising, empowered, empowering, in the moment, present, awake, aware, inspired, on fire, courageous, inviting, grounded, effortless, reinventing, straight, without limits, discovering, authentic, brilliant, connected, risking, accepting, in integrity, connected, playful, wise, accepting, allowing, satisfied, loving, peaceful, trusting, vulnerable, complete, unattached, extraordinary, expectant, fun, leader, spirit, listening, playful, bodacious, rock and roll, celebrating, beauty, committed, inspired, ready, open, of service and on and on.

I wonder which list is more useful? Fun? Inviting? Hmmmmmmm? I wonder which one might lead you to Peace? Hmmmmmm? I wonder?


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