Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Unique and Connected on Peace Tuesday

Personal Peace happens when we recognize that we are both unique, original creations AND that we are deeply connected to others by our common humanity. Yet leaders often exploit our need to feel good about ourselves by telling us we are better, righter, smarter, more moral than "those others". Setting up divisions between and amongst people rips Peace right off the table. It is no longer possible to love those "other" wrong, stupid, immoral people.

I am regularly tempted to create this separation from others in my head; I learned this well at a young age and no longer need a politician to do it for me!

This Peace Tuesday I request that you NOTICE all of the places you separate yourself from others by judging and assessing, in order to feel better about yourself. Build an awareness that you do this. Then shift your focus to your shared humanity. How are you connected to others, even those others who seem completely different from you? Go around looking for that and I promise you Peace!



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