Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Peace is the way!

Tich Naht Hanh a well known Buddhist monk says, "There is no way to Peace. Peace is the way". What he means is that personal (and world) Peace is a commitment, an intention IN THIS MOMENT, one we carry with us and are aware of at all times. It requires that we "be Peace" as we take on "doing Peace".

One thing that will definitely get in the way of being Peace is what I call "seasonal guilt": the guilt that grabs us during the Christmas holidays and yells, "you should be doing more, buying more"! Please give yourself the gift of Peaceful holidays this year by graciously saying "no" to excessive buying and doing. Choose lovingly what you will do and buy and let it be enough. Let it represent the Peace that it the true gift of this season. Consider giving to charities in lieu of stuff, so your gift gives twice! Then notice how Peaceful your holidays are.



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