Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's no mistake that Christ's birth, and many other spiritual and religious events are celebrated in the earth's northern hemisphere at this time of year. As winter approaches, with cold and scarcity of resources, human beings turn from independent activity to depending more on others - for warmth, company and often, survival. We become especially vulnerable in harsh physical conditions and it requires us to open our hearts to others, to get closer in order to get along. So, the very earth reminds us to set aside our perceived differences and snuggle together!

Peace is "heart work". It requires us to suspend our heavy reliance on our thinking selves and focus on our hearts. We bring the warmth of our hearts to our communities so that we may all survive. Most of us learn to do this in our spiritual communities. But for those of you without a spiritual community there is BePeace Training! Check out www.spiritpathonline.org if you are interested. I also recommend The Institute of Heart Math and the Center for Nonviolent Communication (Marshal Rosenberg's work)as places to start.

Focus on your heart this Peace Tuesday. What you focus on expands!



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