Monday, January 19, 2009

A Peace Promise

Would you be willing to make a promise for Peace in 2009?

Our brand new President (yay!) has promised to move toward Peace by ending the war in Iraq, closing Guantanamo Bay and returning this country to a focus on diplomacy.

My Peace Promise to you is that I will continue this blog and continue to discover and share new ways to create Peace in our lives. I will also take on the daily practice of saying silently and out loud "I love this!" to each event that happens, regardless of how confronting. And then I will look to see how I can love it!

What is your promise for Peace this year? Willing to share?



1 comment:

anna said...

Our new president did say that everyone is needed to pitch in to achieve the beautiful vision he spoke this morning. Thanks for asking! In 2009, I promise to practice peace in the face of upsets: mine, others, and the worlds', in service of spreading love through transformation of individuals and organizations.
